New group healing this Sunday

Dear Friends of HDH,

Thank you for your participation in Holy Divine Healing. Your sacred gifts are essential to this service, and the numerous upgrades we bring will bless all of humanity, the Earth, and the inner Earth. You are the driving force behind this ascension train.

The next Group Healing is scheduled for Sunday, March 17, 2024, at 2:00 PM Central Time. This healing session will initiate the specifics of humanity’s reset into higher levels of consciousness, including the Ascension of the Earth and inner Earth. I have much to share with you about this plan during Sunday’s presentation.

You are invited to attend this event via the live teleconference or participate in your own special way. Feel free to invite a friend, as all are welcome. We eagerly anticipate this special time with you. Please join us by purchasing the event here.

You’re friend,
Dr. Dan
Servant of Holy Divine Healing